ISMUS (International Society for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound)
At the 11th ISMUS Congress in Piestny the ISMUS scientific Board approved to hold biannual ISMUS Congress 2014 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Due to the political development we decided to postpone Kiev for two years and to organize the 12th congress this year in Szeged, s a very nice City in southern Hungary. It's university is famous and well known.
To organize a congress in such a short time is a special challenge! We successfully could find a nice place. The congress will take place at the Novotel, located in the center of the city. Dubs, General secretary of ISMUS, Congress President and his team will will do their best to ensure that this congress will be another success in the long line of past ISMUS congress.
Journal of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (JMUS)
Journal of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (JMUS)
is the scientific journal of the International Society for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (ISMUS), is a quarterly, peer reviewed, scholarly publication that advances education and impacts to the specialty of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. JMUS is designed to be relevant to practitioners and researchers in a variety of medical specialties and disciplines, covers topics including ultrasound / radiologic reflections of musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatologic, orthopedic, neurologic conditions involving acute and chronic pain, peripheral nervous systems, rehabilitation, novel Ultrasound guided therapies.
As an Open Access journal, its content is free to read, download, and share, accelerating the translation of strong science into effective practice.
Publication fee is waived for all accepted papers during the first year of JMUS publication. Article submission is now open.
ISMUS speakers group photo.
With ISMUS Presidents Prof. Reinhard Graf, Doc. Luboš Hrazdira and Prof. Jozef Benacka
Overtaking IMSUS Congress to Ukraine.
Moderating neurosession at ISMUS 2012 Congress
ISMUS - the International Society for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound was founded for a junction specialists from many countries worldwide of different branches of medicine: orthopaedics, surgery, rheumatology, neurology, anesthesiology, sport-medicine, radiology, who utilize musculoskeletal ultrasound diagnostics in their practice. Leading world specialists in musculoskeletal ultrasound present and bring their knowledge to pre-congress refreshing courses and the Congress keynote lectures.
ISMUS Congress is held every two years, is a significant event in the ultrasound diagnostics worldwide, has the highest ranking in this specialty, is attended by leading lectureres in the field of soft tissue ultrasound. Each congress Ukrainian speakers make valuable scientific and educational contribution to ISMUS activity.
Scientific Council of the International Association forMusculoskeletal Ultrasound (ISMUS) approved the 12th Congress of the International Association for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound to be held in Ukraine (Kyiv) on October 2014.
The 11th international congress of ISMUS (International Society for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound) took place on 18–20th of October 2012 in Piestany Spa in Slovakia.
The conference was a junction of different branches of medicine: orthopaedics, surgery, rheumatology, sport-medicine, radiology. Top world specialists in musculoskeletal ultrasound as Prof. Reinhard Graf (Austria), Prof. Beat Dubs (Switzerland), Prof. Dana Fodor (Romania), Prof. Zbigniew Pilecki (Poland), Doc. Luboš Hrazdira (Czech Republic), Dr. Cho Kil-Ho (Korea), Dr. J. Antonio Bouffard (USA) presented their knowledge at the meeting.
Bubnov R.V. The trigger points dry needling under ultrasound guidance for shoulder myofascial pain treatment. Comparison vs injection treatment. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):97-98.
Bubnov R.V. Ultrasonography For Local Muscle Spasticity Management Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):99-100.
Bubnov R.V. Trigger points dry needling under ultrasound guidance for idiopathic pain treatment in women. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):100-101.
Bubnov R.V., Yevseenko V.G. Injections of Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) under Ultrasound Guidance for Acute Muscle Trauma in Professional Athletes. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):101-102.
Bubnov R.V. Ultrasound Diagnostic Markers for Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):103-104.
Bubnov R.V., Strokan A.M., Abdullaiev R.Ya. Lower Extremities Nerve Blocks under Ultrasonography and Nerve Stimulator Guidance. Comparative study. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):98-99.
Abdullaiev R.Ya., Bubnov R.V. Diagnostic possibilities of ultrasonography for stenosis of the lumbar vertebral canal. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):103-104.
Abdullaiev R.Ya., Bubnov R.V. Ultrasound Diagnosis of Atlanto-Axial Rotatory Subluxation in Neonates. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):104-105.
162. Abdullaiev R.Ya., Bubnov R.V. Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Atlanto-Axial Junction Instability in Children 4-6 Years. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):
Dragulyan M.V., Gulko T.P., Bubnov R.V., Irodov D.M., Pokholenko Ia.O., Kordium V.A. Ultrasound-Controlled Osteoarthritis Model in Rats. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences, 2012 July, 3(2):107-108.